Solution for Overwhelm

In the state of overwhelm is where I've been for the last two weeks. We're moving from a house we've lived in for 19 years, so we're weeding and packing while finishing a remodel and preparing the house for sale.

In the last two weeks we've talked to a realtor, contractor, paint consultant, and stager, each of whom gave us a long list of things to do. I was relieved when I realized we had heard from everyone we needed to hear from.

The state of overwhelm is full of confusion and chaos. In it, I feel rudderless and out of control. I can't stay there for very long.

So yesterday my husband and I got a stack of index cards and wrote only one task to be completed on each card. We also wrote who is responsible for completing that task. Then we arranged the cards in the best sequence. Working together, yesterday we actually moved two cards to the "completed" stack.

Today I have a plan and a system for doing everything that needs to be done.The work has moved from contemplation to action. Our house will be in chaos for the next 2-3 weeks, but I am at peace.

You write it:  What do you do when you're overwhelmed?