Workplace Guides

Guide for Intention Groups

In her book The Field, Lynne McTaggart cites scientific studies that conclude that we are surrounded by an energetic field that is influenced by our thoughts, feelings, and intentions. Moreover, when a group of people come together and agree on a focus, then hold that focus for even a short period of time, change happens.

My intention groups have only three people. We meet virtually, via conference telephone call so that we eliminate as many distractions as possible.

How the Process Works

1.    The first question is something like, “What’s going on with you?” Or there may be no first question while group members simply “check in” with what’s on their minds and hearts.

2.    After everyone has “checked in,” it’s extremely important to reduce words to the essence of one issue that emerges to a simple sentence that hits the mark (the intention). From her heart, the facilitator writes the intention and the group hones it.

3.    After group members agree on the intention, a timer is set for 10 minutes for people to focus on the intention.

4.    When the timer goes off, members share their experience while in the focused intention. It’s common for members to have a similar vision; when all our energy is focused on a single simple sentence, it tends to align.


 The entire process takes about 30 minutes.

 If you’d like to learn more, google Lynne McTaggart.

Guide for Ease at Work

Consider these facts:

  • We spend most of our waking hours at work.

  • Brains work best in a state of relaxed alertness.

  • Stress at work is a major factor in our health, as well as our productivity and effectiveness.

  • Most of us don’t choose the people we work with.

  • Without a process for resolving issues at work, stress gradually rises and eventually hurts us in some way.

The purpose for this Guide for Ease at Work is to suggest processes that increase productivity and effectiveness through reducing stress and improving working relationships. It’s processes for making your dreams for work come true.

Click here to download a pdf of the Guide for Ease at Work.

Leading Meetings that Reduce Stress

Click here to download a pdf of the guide for Leading Meetings that Reduce Stress.

The Systems Thinker Eye of the Needle: A Communication Tool

Click here to download a pdf of the guide for The Systems Thinker.