Leaving Isn't Leaving

As I've thought about leaving the city that has been my home for 24 years, I've thought mostly about the friends I won't see as often. But I haven't felt sad, and I've wondered what's going on with me that I'm not sad.

I believe we exchange energy with people as we come and go. With friends, that is the energy of love and good will. Even when we are no longer in that person's presence, the energy we experienced with them lives on within us, ready to come to life again through memory. So I'm not really leaving the friendships. Granted, I will have physical contact less frequently and less opportunity to make new memories. Even so, the love I have for these dear ones is not diminished.

One of the many gifts that Austin has given me is widening my circle of friends and teaching me how to be a better friend. For this, I am profoundly grateful.

Someday, after we have mastered the winds, the waves, and gravity, makind will harness for God the energy of love. Then, for the second time in the history of the world, we will have discovered fire. Teilhard de Chardin