Simplicity and Consistency

When I opened the car door, loose papers fell out, straying from the seat full of packaging, envelopes, cups, other objects strewn in no particular order. As she quickly gathered and threw them in the back seat to make room for me in the front, she said, "This jumble represents my life right now. I'm a mess."

When we arrived at the coffee shop, I listened for a long while while she flitted from topic to topic, telling me what's wrong with her. Finally she asked me what she should do to make her life more manageable and focused.

"Do these two things every day," I said. "(1) Pray only for knowledge of God's will and the power to carry it out (which is Step 11 of recovery programs). (2) Write a short love letter to yourself every day. Do these two things for at least forty days."

We can't make our lives better by fixing everything that's "wrong" with us. But if we strengthen our spiritual core, our lives become manageable. Simplicity and consistency.

You write it:  Look around. What is your environment saying about you?

Schedule a telephone or in-person consultation with Nancy by emailing her: