Grace and Mercy

Last Sunday my husband and I served as ushers for our small church. One of the duties is to light the altar candles at the beginning of the service and extinguish them at the end.

Later that evening, as I lay in bed awaiting sleep, I sat up with a jolt, realizing I had not extinguished the candles! Panic overcame me as I visualized the church in flames, and I felt a strong urge to drive there--alone--in the dark--in rain and lightning.

Then I took some deep breaths, started journaling, and asked God to do for me what I couldn't do. As my mind calmed, I considered possibilities. The candles are on tall brass candlesticks on a stone altar--not likely to ignite anything. Then I realized that whoever cleared the communion paraphernalia from the altar would have seen the candles still burning and extinguished them. 

I gave thanks to be part of a church where people see what needs to be done and simply do it, regardless of whose responsibility it is. Grace. And mercy.

I slept peacefully and drove to the church first thing next morning. The candles were not lit.

You write it:  When did someone show grace and mercy to you?