Getting Out of a Funk

I was in a funk yesterday. I knew it had to do with food, but I could not articulate more specifically what my problem was.

This morning I decided to journal to discover the essence of the funk. Surprisingly, here's what I wrote:  "Cooking is Mother's job. I'm not Mother, and she's not here."

At first, as I read what I'd written, I thought, "Oh. This funk is connected to grief." No. Instead, it's not wanting to repeat my mother's food behavior and not knowing what to do. It's also anger that I must change.

Last week I started asking people like me what they do about food preparation. One of them said she has about 10 simple, healthy meal plans that she alternates. That sounds like something I can do.

So today I begin a new approach, and I think my funk will dissipate.

You write it:  Has anything been nagging at you? Have you tried journaling to discover the source?