Speak the Truth in Love

Last week's post evoked responses. In principle, responders agreed that staying in love in all interactions is ideal--but what about really difficult situations like Hitler?

In communication, it is our tone that belies the feelings behind our words. It is the energy of the emotion that people react to, not the words.

So try this experiment:  For the next week, pay attention to your emotions. Keep a journal. How often are you outraged? insulted? angry? embarrassed? proud? fearful? guilty? shamed? In his book Power Versus Force, David Hawkins demonstrates that when these emotions are present, we are weak.

If your journaling reveals that you are experiencing these depleting emotions, then move to the energy of the heart, which is courage. Try the heart meditation on my website, www.NancyOelklaus.com/audio tools at least once a day for forty days. Notice how your ability to speak the truth in love improves.