A Christmas Story
/When my daughter was 16 months old, just before Christmas, she contracted spinal meningitis. A vigilant nurse realized she had been misdiagnosed with pneumonia and called the doctor back to the hospital ASAP. Her action led the doctor to say, "I think we caught the meningitis early enough that there won't be any permanent damage--if she lives."
For 10 long days Anne Marie lay lifeless in an oxygen tent with tubes keeping her fed and medicated. Then, on Christmas Eve, the doctor came in, unhooked all the tubes, and removed the tent. I picked her up and held her close.
The nurse saw the panic on my face when Anne Marie couldn't hold her head up. Reassuringly, she said, "Don't worry. These little ones recover quickly." By the end of the day, my precious daughter was running down the hospital hallway.
That night, I slept more soundly than I had slept for many days, lying in a hospital bed beside my healthy daughter. Sometime during the night, someone crept in and left a flannel stocking filled with small toys.
Every year I hang a red flannel stocking and give thanks for the doctor and nurses who saved my daughter's life. I pray for the hospitals, doctors, and nurses who are saving others' loved ones right now.
You write it: What is your story of an exceptional Christmas gift?