Blessing of These Times

On one of our walks this week, we came upon a woman in a hat and sunglasses, waiting for her dog (Miss Kitty) to relieve herself, so my husband struck up a conversation.

Before long, we discovered we knew several of the same people from my days in Texas education. Then, as I listened more carefully, I realized I had this same conversation with a woman I met at a neighborhood party a couple of years ago—a gathering of about 75 people, all talking loudly, eating, and drinking.

Having the same conversation with the same person in nature’s quiet, was actually a different conversation. I could take in her words and reminisce about those people we knew in common. And I felt I knew my fellow walker in a new way.

Parties—crowds—noise—visual stimuli—are distractions that keep me from fully appreciating what someone is saying. This is a blessing of these times.

What is a blessing of these times for you?