Navigating Our World

For the last three weeks I’ve been navigating our world. Reading train schedules. Asking for help. Seeking translation. Seeing new sights. Having new experiences. Eating new food. Meeting new people. Following someone else’s rules. Accepting uncertainty. Deciphering maps.

In other words, as I traveled, I mostly exercised my logical/rational capabilities.

In two meltdowns, I learned that there is a limit to this approach. You might say I “hit the wall.” Not once, but twice.

Now I’m back home. This morning, as the sun rises, the yellow cottonwood trees come alive with the red rocks. My heart responds with love and with the ease of knowing my surroundings and how to live in them.

But when I am in unfamiliar territory, I still haven’t learned how to harness the fear of uncertainty and live through the eye of my heart. Have you? How do you do it?