A Reader Writes
/In last week’s blog, I wrote about having my energy depleted from travel and bad news. I asked what you do when you feel your energy start to wane. One of my favorite readers and dear friend, Lindy Segall, offered this advice, which I am passing on. Today, have an energetic day!
Lindy recalls from his Boy Scout days, “We learned to hydrate well the night before a hard, hot hike. If not, by the time thirst hit the next day...it was too late. Already DEhydrated. The message? Self care can be a daily ritual, gives us that ‘extra reserve’ we sometimes need when the rough days hit as yours did.
“The other from flying experience. When traveling cross country, smart pilots never ‘leave gas on the ground.’ They always top off the fuel tanks at every stop. The possibility of unexpected ‘rough weather’ popping up enroute to the next destination is always present. Again, the idea of proactive self care makes good sense!”
You write or draw it: What daily ritual do you follow to keep your energy reserve high?