
Over the years, when it comes to setting boundaries, I have used the circle. Inside the circle I write what I want in a relationship or experience. Outside the circle, I write what I do not want. Eventually, I cut that part away.

The circle tool works for relationships, for meetings, for projects, for everything I need to accomplish. It also works for life in general. It answers the question, “What is the life experience I want?” It’s a discipline for me, not anyone else.

Sometimes I draw a circle for an event. When the event is over, I discard the circle. And sometimes I draw a circle for a life experience I want to change. Then I might carry the circle with me, in my wallet, and look at it from time to time, until it has come to fruition.

You write or draw it: Think of a concern. Draw a circle. Inside the circle, write what you want to experience. Outside, write what you do not want. Keep it with you or put it in a box.