After last week's blog, entitled "Perfectly Timed Encouragement," I received this response from my good friend and colleague Lindy Segall: "2015 was to be MY year. Instead, it went into the books as one of disappointments, letdowns, even outright betrayal. . . . Just when I thought there was no way the year could get any worse, a best friend took his life, and I blamed myself for not doing more to help him.
"As I left the funeral services, I found a message on my cell phone--a new friend asking for help with his football team. Seems they were coming up short in teamwork, leadership, and communication--both on and off the field of play. It had been some time since I'd delivered that counsel to others. I prayed on it and listened. God said, 'You can--and should--do this.'
"Some perfectly timed words of encouragement, and a call for help, helped me dig out of a dark place and focus my God-given gifts on others. In the process, my confidence and self-esteem were restored."
Last week I ran across this quotation from Ralph Waldo Emerson. It seems to fit:
There is a guidance for each of us, and by lowly listening we shall hear the right word. . . . Place yourself in the middle of the stream of power and wisdom which flows into your life. Then, without effort, you are impelled to truth and to perfect contentment.
You write it: When have you experienced the pathway to divine guidance, truth, and perfectly timed encouragement?