We learn behaviors from a very young age. Sometimes we learn them from other people; sometimes we simply write the scripts ourselves. Sometimes those scripts don't serve us very well. Then it's time to rewrite.
Just a few minutes ago, for example, my husband wanted to show me some photographs. I had my mind on what I needed to be doing, including writing this blog. I noticed the tension in my body as I found it difficult to simply sit and listen to what he had to say.
A friend I talked with today has been given a trip to Istanbul. She has an old script that says she isn't worthy of such a generous gift. She was having a hard time enjoying the possibilities. She wants to rewrite her script.
Another friend I spoke with today has been overwhelmed by a recent move. This person has recently rewritten her life script so that she was resting and taking time for herself--until this move. Temporarily, her old script that says she can't take time for herself when there's much to do, took over.
When we know it's time for change, what do we write into new scripts? Take time to breathe, to meditate; do one thing you love every day; write or say one thing you're grateful for. These simple acts shift energy and begin to guide the writing of a new script.
You write it: What old script is it time for you to change? What will you do differently?