Everyone Wins
/Early one morning I listened to a voice mail message from a state officer of an organization I belong to. In the message, she invited herself to our next local meeting and offered to do a presentation that I had already spent several hours preparing and have ready.
My ego exploded. "Who does she think she is? This is intrusion. If I need her help, I'll ask for it!"
Before returning the call, I vowed not to obsess over the matter, but to go to one of my support group meetings, eat breakfast, and meditate.
When I was sure I could speak from my heart and be respectful both to myself and to the other person, I returned the call. I simply explained my effort to prepare and stated I would like to do the program, which I had tailored to our local needs. Through the conversation, we determined that she and her colleague would attend the meeting and be available to augment my remarks and answer questions.
The next day she called back to cancel the visit. In the meantime, her friend had discovered she had to work, and the caller said she was leaving on a trip the day after the meeting and really needed the time to prepare. Via email, she sent me information I didn't have and will add to the presentation. Simple solution.
When I speak from my heart and say what's true for me, everyone wins.
You write it: When have you experienced a potentially resentment-producing situation that turned out well?